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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

1) The modulation technique used for mobile communication systems during world war II was

a. Amplitude modulation

b. Frequency modulation

c. ASK

d. FSK

2) ———– introduced Frequency Modulation for mobile communication systems in 1935.

a. Edwin Armstrong

b. Albert Einstein

c. Galileo Galilei

d. David Bohm

3) The early FM push-to-talk telephone systems were used in

a. Simplex mode

b. Half duplex mode

c. Full duplex mode

d. None of the above

4) DECT stands for

a. Digital European Cellular Telex

b. Digitized Emergency Cellular Telephone

c. Digital European Cordless Telephone

d. Digital European Cellular Telephone

5) World’s first cellular system was developed by

a. Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT)

b. Bellcore and Motorola

c. AT&T Bell Laboratories

d. Qualcomm

6) Paging systems were based on

a. Simplex systems

b. Half duplex systems

c. Full duplex systems

d. None of the above

7) Paging systems could be used to

a. Send numeric messages

b. Send alphanumeric messages

c. Voice message

d. All of the above

8) Garage door opener is a

a. Transmitter

b. Receiver

c. Transceiver

d. None of the above

9) Carrier frequency of a TV remote control is in the range

a. of Infra red

b. < 100 MHz

c. < 1 GHz

d. < 2 GHz

10) Half duplex system for communication has

a. Communication in single direction

b. Communication in single direction at a time

c. Communication in both directions at the same time

d. None of the above

11) MIN stands for

a. Mobile Identification Number

b. Mobile Internet

c. Mobility In Network

d. None of the above

12) The process of transferring a mobile station from one base station to another is

a. MSC

b. Roamer

c. Hand off

d. Forward channel

13) PCN is

a. Wireless concept of making calls

b. For receiving calls

c. Irrespective of the location of the user

d. All of the above

14) IMT-2000 is a digital mobile system that functions as

a. Pager

b. Cordless

c. Low earth orbit satellites

d. All of the above

15) The 2G cellular network uses



c. Digital modulation formats

d. All of the above

16) NADC is a 2G standard for



c. Both a & b

d. None of the above

17) 2G CDMA standard – cdma one supports up to

a. 8 users

b. 64 users

c. 32 users

d. 116 users

18) 2G standards support

a. Limited internet browsing

b. Short Messaging Service

c. Both a & b

d. None of the above

19) The 2G GSM technology uses a carrier separation of

a. 1.25 MHz

b. 200 KHz

c. 30 KHz

d. 300 KHz

20) 3G W-CDMA is also known as



c. DCS-1800


21) Commonly used mode for 3G networks is



c. TDD

d. FDD

22) The minimum spectrum allocation required for W-CDMA is

a. 5MHz

b. 2MHz

c. 500KHz

d. 100KHz

23) CDMA2000 1xEV provides high speed data access with channel allocation of

a. 5 MHz

b. 50 MHz

c. 1.25 MHz

d. 4 MHz

24) In TD-SDMA, there is a frame of _____milliseconds and the frame is divided into _____ time slots.

a. 5, 7

b. 7, 5

c. 2, 5

d. 5, 2

25) The interference between the neighboring base stations is avoided by

a. Assigning different group of channels

b. Using transmitters with different power level

c. Using different antennas

d. All of the above


26. Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) assigns ______ channels to _______ users.

a) Individual, individual

b) Many, individual

c) Individual, many

d) Many, many

27. During the period of call, other users can share the same channel in FDMA.

a) True

b) False

28. The FDMA channel carries ____________ phone circuit at a time.

a) Ten

b) Two

c) One

d) Several

29. If the FDMA channel is not in use, it can be used by other users.

a) True

b) False

30. The bandwidth of FDMA channel is ______

a) Wide

b) Narrow

c. Using 

d) Zero


31. The symbol time in FDMA systems is _________ thus intersymbol interference is ______

a) Large, high

b) Small, low

c) Small, high

d) Large, low


32. Due to _________ transmission scheme __________ bits are needed for overhead in FDMA systems.

a) Continuous, few

b) Discontinuous, few

c) Continuous, many

d) Discontinuous, many


33. Which of the following is not true for FDMA systems as compared to TDMA systems?

a) Low complexity

b) Lower cell site system cost

c) Tight RF filtering

d) Narrow bandwidth


34. __________ is undesired RF radiation.

a) Intermodulation frequency

b) Intermediate frequency

c) Instantaneous frequency

d) Instrumental frequency


35. __________ is based on FDMA/FDD.

a) GSM


c) Cordless telephone



36. In US AMPS, 416 channels are allocated to various operators with 10 kHz guard band and channel between them is 30 kHz. What is the spectrum allocation given to each operator?

a) 12.5 kHz

b) 30 kHz

c) 12.5 MHz

d) 30 MHz


37. SDMA technique employs

a. Smart antenna technology

b. Use of spatial locations of mobile units within the cell

c. More battery consumption

d. Both a) and b) are correct

e. Both b) and c) are correct


38. The advantage of using SDMA over other spread spectrum technique is

a. Mobile station battery consumption is low

b. Reduced spectral efficiency

c. Increased spectral efficiency

d. Both a) and b) are correct

e. Both a) and c) are correct


39. The increased capacity of SDMA due to

a. focused signal transmitted into narrow transmission beams

b. smart antennas pointing towards mobile stations

c. use of different frequencies at same time slot

d. both a) and b) are correct

e. both a) and c) are correct



1. The transmission bandwidth of spread spectrum techniques is equal to the minimum required signal bandwidth.

a) True

b) False


2. Why spread spectrum technique is inefficient for a single user?

a) Large transmission bandwidth

b) Small transmission bandwidth

c) Fixed transmission bandwidth

d) Fixed null bandwidth


3. Which of the following is not a property of spread spectrum techniques?

a) Interference rejection capability

b) Multipath fading

c) Frequency planning elimination

d) Multiple user, multiple access interface


4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of PN sequence?

a) Nearly equal number of 0s and1s

b) Low correlation between shifted version of sequence

c) Non deterministic

d) Low cross-correlation between any two sequences


5. PN sequence can be generated using sequential logic circuits.

a) True

b) False


6. The period of a PN sequence produced by a linear m stage shift register cannot exceed _____ symbols.

a) 2m

b) m

c) 2m

d) 2m-1


7. DSSS system spreads the baseband signal by ________ the baseband pulses with a pseudo noise sequence.

a) Adding

b) Subtracting

c) Multiplying

d) Dividing


8. Frequency hopping involves a periodic change of transmission _______

a) Signal

b) Frequency

c) Phase

d) Amplitude


9. What is the set of possible carrier frequencies in FH-SS?

a) Hopset

b) Hop

c) Chips

d) Symbols


10. The bandwidth of the channel used in the hopset is called _________

a) Hopping bandwidth

b) Total hopping bandwidth

c) Instantaneous bandwidth

d) 3 dB bandwidth


11. The processing gain of FH systems is given by ratio of _______

a) Hopping bandwidth and hopping period

b) Instantaneous bandwidth and hopping duration

c) 3 dB bandwidth and bit rate

d) Total hopping bandwidth and instantaneous bandwidth


12. FH systems do not have collisions.

a) True

b) False


13. In fast frequency hopping, hopping rate is less than the information symbol rate.

a) True

b) False



           UNIT 2 MCQ


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