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 1. The simplest and most straightforward form of telephone service which involves subscribers accessing the public telephone network through a pair of wires called the local subscriber loop.

a. Plain Old Telephone Service

b .Local Access Telephone Area

c. Public Switched Telephone Network

d. Digital Subscriber Line 

2. The subscriber loop provides the means to connect a telephone set at a subscriber’slocation to the closest telephone office, which is commonly called a/n:

a. end office

b. local exchange office

c. central office

d. all of the above

3. ISDN stands for ___________

a. Integrated Services Digital Network

b. Integrated Services Discrete Network

c. Integrated Services Digital Node

d. Integrated Services Discrete Node

4. Signaling component that supports traffic between the end-user and network is

called ________

a. Network signaling

b. Digital subscriber signaling

c. Access signaling

d. Subscriber system signaling

5. Which of the following items is not used in Local Area Networks (LANs)?

a. Computer Modem

b. Cable

c. Modem

d. Interface card

6. Which of the following represents the fastest data transmission speed?

a. Gbps

b. Kbps

c. Bps

 d. Bandwidth

7. A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be

a. Open source

b. Cabled

c. Distributed

d. Wireless

8. Network components are connected to the same cable in the _______ topology

a. Mesh

b. Bus

c. Star

d. Ring

9. Geometric arrangement of devices on the network is called

a. Protocols

B. Topology

c. Trailer

d. LAN

10. _______ is the most important/powerful computer in a typical network

a. Desktop

b. Network client

c. Network server

d. Network station

11. How many layers are in the TCP/IP model?

a. 4 layers

b. 5 layers

c. 7 layers

d. 8 layers

12. The internet also known simply as _____

a. NAT

b. NOT

c. NET

d. NFT

13. ECG is used for Measuring activities of which part of human.

a. Heart

b. Brain

c. Lungs

d. Liver

14. Key ethical issues in Telemedicine

a. Confidentiality

b. Avoiding harm

c. Professional relationship

d. All of the above

15. Video conferencing between a Patient and _____ among members of healthcare teams.

a. Doctor

b. Patient

c. Nurse

d. None of the above

16. What are the types of Telemedicine information?

a. Voice

b. Image

c. Voice, Image, Text and Video

d. Voice and Video

17. PSTN but sometimes known as_____

a. Plain telephone

b. Plain old telephone system

c. Telephone system

d. ANT

18. Bandwidth is defined by

a. Range of signal

b. Sampling rate

c. Range of frequency

d. Frames per second

19. What are the types of wireless communication?

a. Wireless LAN

b. Wireless MAN

c. WiFi

d. All of the above

20. DES abbreviated as

a. Data equipment standard

b. Data encryption standard

c. Domain enable standard

d. None of the above

21. _____ is the output of public key cryptographic process

a. Plain text

b. Encryption

c. Cipher text

d. crypto

22. Advantages of Telepathology is

a. Simple

b. High cost

c. Difficult

d. Facility

23. Encryption and decryption are the function of

a. Session layer

b. Presentation layer

c. Transport layer

d. None of the above

24. What is the need for developing telemedicine services

A. Cost and planning

b. Difficult

c. Easy of assessment needs.

d. Complex of assessment

25. You are a male doctor and a female patient comes to your clinic wearing revealing clothes. She comes up very close to the doctor and starts asking personal questions in asseductivetone. What would be the appropriate response?

a. Refuse to examine her.

b. Call in a nurse

c. Use open ended questioning technique

d. Ask about her personal life

26. Low earth –orbit (LEO) satellites have _____ orbits.

a. Equatorial

b. Polar

c. Inclined

d. None of the above

27. Applications of Teleoncology is

a. Cancer patient

b. Diabetic patient

c. Heart patient

d. Brain tumour patient

28. Remote surgery is also knowns as

a. Teleradiology

b. Telesurgery

c. Telehealth

d. All of the above

29. _____ is the distance Training, Teleworking, &Teleteaching

a. Education

b. Not a education

c. Tele health

d. Tele education

30. In hospitals When maintaining the patient detail, These are required

a. Patient Name

b. Patient name, Address, Sex & Age

c. Address

d. Age

31. Which type of network would use phone lines?

a. Wireless

b. WAN

c. LAN


32. The standard protocol of the Internet is

a. Java

b. Flash



33. The early FM push-to-talk telephone systems were used in

a. Simplex mode

b. Half duplex mode

c. Full duplex mode

d. None of the above

34. World’s first cellular system was developed by

a. Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT)

b. Bellcore and Motorola

c. AT&T Bell Laboratories

d. Qualcomm

35. Electroencephalogram is related to _____

a. Heart

b. Brain

c. Lungs

d. Liver

36. Benefits of Telemedicine are

a. Better access to Health care

b. Reduced cost

c. Easier education

d. All of the above

37. VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) is a satellite communications system that serves

which kind of users

a. Home and business users

b. Home users

c. Business users

d. None of the above

38. Still image quality is defined by the size of a _____

a. Grey levels

b. Pixel

c. Colour levels

d. Grey and colour levels

39. Which are two types of user access defined in Integrated service digital network?

a. Basic Access

b. Primary access

c. Both a & b

d. Temporary access

40. Cryptanalysis is

a. Study of method for obtaining the meaning of encrypted information

b. Study of method for obtaining information

c. Study of method decrypted information

d. Both b & c

41. Classical encryption Techniques are

a. Asymmetric model

b. Symmetric cipher model

c. Symmetric method

d. Decryption algorithm

42. The function of data link layer in OSI model

a. Reliable communication over physical layer interface

b. Reliable communication

c. physical layer interface

d. Transportation

43. DICOM stands for

a. Digital in communication model

b. Digital in committee Mechanism

c. Digital image and communication in medicine

d. Dial in communication by mobile

44. Electronic medical records is used in Medical information management which states that

a. Analog version of Paper chart containing all of Patient’s history

b. Digital version of Paper chart containing all of Patient’s history

c. Digital version of Paper chart containing all of Hospital information.

d. All of the above

45. What is Health Information system?

a. It is a system for telecommunication

b. It is a system of information

c. It is a system for the collection /processing of data from various source

d. It is automatic system.

46. Telemedicine allows hospitals to optimize the use of their personnel by

a. Outsourcing all Possible Work

b. Allowing Outside Specialists to View Patient X-Rays

c. Allowing Them to Take More Vacation Days

d. Cross Training Doctors, Nurses and Maintenance Workers

47. Which of the following situations is not considered part of telemedicine?

a. Videoconferencing

b. Remote Monitoring of Vital Signs

c. Transmission of Still Images

d. Word Processing

48. Medical related images and simulations available to educate patients is an example of

a. Videoconferencing

b. Nursing Call Centres

c. Continuing Medical Education

d. Remote Monitoring of Vital Signs

49. What is the most significant reason that telehealth is important for consumers (patients) of home care nursing?  

a.No driving

b. Real time interpretation of healthcare status for healthcare management

c. The nurse never has to make a visit

d. None of these.   

50. The IEEE Standard for WBAN is

a. IEEE 802.11

b. IEEE 802.15.6

c. IEEE 802.13

d. None of these

51. How many number of B and D channels are used in BRI and PRI?

a. 2B+1D and 23B+1D

b. 23B+2D and 2B+1D

c. 2B+1D and 23B+2D

d. 23B+1D and 2B+1D

52. HL7 is a set of standards for transferring clinical and Administrative Data b/w HIS. Which one is not a type of Terrestrial Telehealth Communication Channels 




d. Leased Lines

53. Prevention of excessive blood loss is important for

a. Preserving patient’s oxygen-carrying capacity

b. Increased visibility

c. To prevent formation of hematomas

d. All of the above

54. ______________ is technologically dependent surgery comprising of computerized designed instruments

with microprocessor controlled safety features

a. Davinci

b. Laparoscopy

c. Robotic Surgery

d. Hemostasis

55. Which of the following contributes to likely markets for telehealth

a. Intensity of needed monitoring for a disease state

b. New or limited access to settings of care

c. Visual-oriented specialty care

d. All of the above

56. What does DICOM stand for?

a. Dosage, imaging, and collection methods

b. Descriptions of Images and communications methods

c. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine

d. None of the above

57. Non-real-time data, includes

a. vital sign signals

b. radiological images with DICOM 3.0, file,

c. bio-signal, bio-data

d. all of the above

58. Which MAC scheme is widely used in Telemedicine.





59. ----------------- is an online healthcare marketplace

a. SeeDoc

b. Practo

c. Portea

d. Credihealth

60. A form of telehealth technology in which clinical data or images are captured at one point in time and

used at a later time is

a. Batch

b. Real time

c. Store and forward

d. Synchronous

61. A device that converts audio and video signals into digital form is a


b. Digital image acquisition device


d. Telephone

62. Which of the following provides a protocol for exchange of data between a medical device and a health information system

a. Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed)

b. Health Level Seven (HL7)

c. International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

d. Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT)

63. What service may commonly provide communication across the “last mile” in a telehealth encounter

a. Bluetooth

b. Plain old telephone service (POTS)

c. Ultra wide band (UWB)

d. Wi-Fi

64. Which of the following is a significant benefit of telehealth?

a. Avoidance of transportation costs

b. Documentation requirements

c. Food and Drug Administration approval of devices

d. Privacy of home visits

65. Asynchronous telehealth is defined as

a. Real-time interaction

b. Delayed interaction

c. Both a) and b)

d. Neither a) nor b)

66. A telephone call is an example of which type of telehealth

a. Synchronous

b. Asynchronous

c. “Store and Forward”

d. None of the above

67. Health workers in remote areas of the world can communicate with specialists using webcams and

a. Electrocardiograms

b. Satellites

c. Network Security Systems

d. Fibber Optics

68. Pan-African e-Network Project utilizes which infrastructure?





69. In the context of video consultation, the upload speed refers to:

a. Speed at which data is transmitted

b. Speed at which data is acquired

c. Both a) and b)

d. Neither a) nor b)

70. In which of the following does the care of the patient remain the responsibility of the primary care 


a. Medical tourism event

b. Remote encounter by specialist

c. Telehealth consultation

d. Use of personal diagnostics. 


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